Again this Saturday, March 28, Fr. Riley will be available for "drive-up" Confessions from 3:00-4:00 p.m. on the road behind the Church. Orange cones will be set up in the lower parking lot for anyone who needs to wait until a person in front of them finishes. Confessions are only face-to-face. Fr. Riley will be sitting in a chair alongside the road behind the rectory, and when anyone pulls up, please shut off your engine before Confession begins. Mass on Sunday, March 29, the 5th Sunday of Lent, will be live-streamed from our Church for parishioners (or others) who wish to watch and participate. We ask that you perform a Spiritual Communion at the time you would ordinarily receive the Eucharist, welcoming Christ into your body and soul through an authentic desire to receive him. Thank you.