Outdoor Confessions will be heard this Saturday from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Please park in the lower lot at the orange cones and wait for the person before you who is receiving Confession to drive away on the road behind the Church before pulling forward. Thank you for keeping this orderly. Palms will be handed out on Sunday from 11:00 a.m. - Noon for any parishioners who wish to pick them up in their vehicle. Safe distance will be kept in place by way of people remaining in their vehicles and I will bring the palms to the window of each vehicle. I ask that all drivers enter through the far Grove St. entrance, come up the driveway and take your first right on the road behind the rectory and Church. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THROUGH THE CHADWICK STREET SIDE TO PREVENT CONFUSION AND POTENTIAL ACCIDENTS. I will be behind the Church with the palms. Feel free to take as many as you need, for we have an abundance of palms. Thank you, Fr. Riley