With Gov. Baker's new directive yesterday (Monday) regarding present Coronavirus matters, our Church is allowed to stay open for those who wish to visit for prayer, respecting the number at no larger than 10 and respecting distancing from others, which has not been an issue to date, and likely will not be for those who come by. We have the usual display of spiritual pamphlets on the side table upon entrance; Words of Grace for April-June, The Word Among Us for Easter, and a few copies of The Magnificat for Holy Week and Easter. In this time of solemn prayer, we pray for our National and State leaders who address this pandemic up front and center, for all medical personnel in hospitals and elsewhere serving the sick, for the sick themselves to be touched by the healing hand of Christ like the cripple in today's Gospel, and for quick discoveries to combat this virus allowing us to return to a routine of normalcy. And, may we never for granted how blessed we are, even in the midst of physical and spiritual upheavel. God Bless you, Fr. Riley